Looking for activities for kids at home?

Looking for activities for kids at home?

Are you looking for new ways to keep your children engaged and expand their knowledge about their country, state and local community? The census has produced a set of materials designed to teach kids about the census:

  • Home and Distance Learning Activities.   The Statistics in Schools Program has a new Home and Distance Learning page, where you can find a variety of easy-to-use resources for all grade levels. We are sure you can find something great to share with your students and parents while they are at home.
  • Parent and Caregiver Toolkits. We have also prepared Parent and Caregiver Toolkits for pre-kelementarymiddle, and high school filled with information to help make the adjustment to our current learning environment as simple as possible. The toolkits provide an extensive list of activities and resources along with at-home tips that parents and caregivers can apply as needed. 
  • Coloring Fun For the Little One. Dr. Seuss supports the 2020 Census! Check out the new coloring pages to help children understand that every person counts, no matter how small.

For more information about the census, including videos from around Washington, check out our post https://fpaws.org/2020-census/

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