FPAWS is working to implement the Parent Mentoring Program statewide. The Parent Mentoring Program is operating through a Federal Grant in the Clark County Family Treatment Court. Funding will be expiring in 2023. The 2022 data from Clark County Family Treatment Court shows results with an 85% rate of return home compared to the average rate of 44%. DCYF has a goal of reducing the need for foster care 50% by the year 2025. The FPAWS Parent Mentoring Program can help to facilitate that goal by serving 2200 children annually. To show support for the Parent Mentoring Program, CALL or Email your local legislator and ask them to support Rep. Emily Wicks and Sen. Claire Wilson’s Parent Mentoring Program budget provisos in the 2022 legislative session.
The FPAWS Parent Mentoring Program provides individualized education, training, and support to foster parents and parents to ensure they have the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to facilitate successful reunification for children in a shorter amount of time and with fewer incidence of return to care.
“Having a Parent Mentor gave me a level of support I couldn’t have received from anywhere else. My mentor was with me during every step of my dependency case. She gave me guidance and encouragement when I needed it the most.
See complete study here
Contact your local legislators to ask them to support the 2022 Parent Mentoring Program Senate and House budget provisos.