2019 Night of Shining Stars Nomination Form

2019 Night of Shining Stars Nomination Form

Awards Nomination Form is attached 

In support and celebration of the challenging work our social workers, elected officials and organizations perform, nominations from foster parents and other caregivers for those we should recognize at GWL on May 5th, 2018. We will name Stars after each recipient. We would like your nominations for the following categories:

¨       Luminary Award: One Social Worker from each of the 6 Sub-Regions will be given an award for going above and beyond to support and advocate for foster parents, kinship, relative or adoptive caregivers.  

¨       Elected Official of the Year Award:  For an elected official who has been an advocate and supporter of WA State caregivers.

¨       Best Practices in Foster Care Award:  For an organization that best advocates and supports caregivers in WA State.

¨       Best Practice in Kinship Care: For a member of the Kinship Care world that best supports and advocates for Kinship Caregivers.

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