Promote self-efficacy of caregivers, children and their families.
FPAWS believes all children are entitled to a safe and nurturing family experience, and families recruited to provide such experiences deserve to be retained, respected and supported by the community.
FPAWS is a non-profit corporation chartered in January 1976 providing support and services to foster families throughout the State of Washington. We are a registered 501(c) 3, EIN 23-7300163, and a state affiliate of the National Foster Parent Alliance.
Today FPAWS is a support and advocacy organization representing adoptive/foster/kinship and birth parent voices at the Regional, State and National levels.
To whom it may concern,My family and our foster child attended the conference. We have nothing but great things to say about it. The education provided to us was very helpful.However, the most valuable thing that my family took away from this event was that. It provided a place for our son and others to have being in foster care the norm. I overheard a 12 year old boy asking another boy about why they are in foster care so casually. That conversation wouldn't happen in normal day life. That was truly impactful for me.Thank you!