Youth in education beyond high school: complete the FAFSA and apply for Education and Training Vouchers!

Youth in education beyond high school: complete the FAFSA and apply for Education and Training Vouchers!

Education and Training Voucher (ETV) Program – Statewide

Applications for the ETV program are open now through April 30. This program offers up to $5,000 per academic year towards an accredited college, university, vocational or technical school. To be eligible, youth must either be 15-20 with an open dependency case, have aged out of foster care, or have been adopted or entered a guardianship after the age 15. Youth who have already received ETV funds prior to the age of 21 are eligible until they are 26. ETV funds can be used for tuition, fees, books, housing, transportation or other education-related costs. Students must complete the FAFSA and an ETV renewal application each year. For applications or more information on eligibility, visit DCYF’s website or email [email protected].

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