For the 15th year, the camp for siblings separated due to foster, relative or adoptive care will be held at Miracle Ranch on Horseshoe Lake in Port Orchard.
It will be the same experience as previous years, with one exception, the name has been changed from Camp To Belong Washington to Sibling Strong Summer Camp.
Same great programs, same dedicated counselors and staff, just a new name.
So the applications are now open for separated siblings ages 8-18. Camp will be held June 26-30. Caregivers or social workers in western Washington can bring the kids starting at 3 p.m. on Monday, June 26 and pick them up at 9 a.m. on Friday, June 30. Sibling Strong will provide transportation to and from camp for all campers from eastern Washington.
We will have typical summer camp experiences of swimming, boating, horseback riding, archery, etc, but will again have birthday gift shopping, an all-camp birthday party, a carnival night, a Formal Night dress up and meal, pillows and quilts on which to siblings can write message write message and so much more.
You can apply at
You will see three forms on this page. The first is for social workers/supervisors who have separated siblings on their caseload. The second form is for caregivers of kids in foster care.
The third is for any caregiver who does not have an open case with the state, which means they don’t have a state social worker or other ties with the state.
Applications close April 15. Selection will be done April 29 and applicants will be notified if the siblings have been accepted right after that.
All campers/caregivers will get a handbook with detailed camp information.
Any questions can be directed to Danielle at [email protected] or, as a backup: Bob Partlow at [email protected]