Coordinated Care’s no-cost webinars for November and December 2020

Coordinated Care’s no-cost webinars for November and December 2020

Open Webinar: Secondary Traumatic Stress and Self Care presented by Lindsey Greene
Description: This training will help caregivers and service providers to understand Secondary Traumatic Stress, compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction. Participants will also be able to recognize warning signs and personal triggers, as well as understand why self-care is important and develop a personal self-care plan.
When: Nov 9, 2020 12:00- 01:30 PM Pacific Time
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Open Webinar: Attachment: Beyond Infancy presented by Zia Freeman, MA, LMHC
Description: Attachment is the foundation of all relationships, and when caring for children with a history of trauma and trust issues, it does not always occur easily. This training addresses the need for Attachment focused care, illustrating some practical tips on how to strengthen bonding with children. This training can help caregivers and others understand the basics of how attachment issues are extremely common in children who have experienced complex trauma. Attachment is often a core reason why caretakers and children have challenges in placement and/or disrupt from the home.
Friday, November 13, 2020 1:00 PM – 2:45 PM PST
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Open Webinar: Working with Birth Parents presented by Heather Perry
The relationship between foster parents and birth parents can play a key role in successful reunification. In 2013, 57% of youth in foster care in Washington State were reunified. It is critical that foster parents have the skills to communicate effectively with birth parents. This training will focus on building communication skills and also enhance the participants’ understanding of the impact of trauma on parenting, and the birth parent grief process.
When: Nov 16, 2020 01:00-2:30 PM Pacific Time
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Open Webinar: Coping with Holiday Stress Presented by Lindsey Greene
Description: All of us can feel stressed around the holidays. This stress can be amplified by feelings of grief and loss for children and youth in foster care. This training will help participants identify holiday stress that children in foster care feel, create a healthy environment for the holidays, and how to help children and youth cope.
When: Nov 20, 2020 12:00- 01:30 PM Pacific Time
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Open Webinar: Adoption Success presented by Zia Freeman, MA, LMHC
This presentation outlines the adoption process for children who are in the child welfare system. It includes the basic steps involved in the adoption process through DCYF as well as useful resources for post adoption. This training is excellent for behavioral or medical health providers to gain knowledge of what happens along the adoption track so they can better support their clients.
When: Monday, November 23, 2020 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM PST
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Open Webinar: Resiliency presented by Heather Perry
Description: Coordinated Care’s Resilience Training provides information on how to foster resilience in children. It reviews research from Ann Masten and Laurence Gonzales to guide discussion. This training looks at factors that affect resilience, the human adaptive process, and ways to successfully cope with trauma. The training ends with a discussion around how caregivers can help their children feel safe, capable and loveable.
When: Nov 24, 2020 10:00-11:30 AM Pacific Time
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Open Webinar: Suicide Prevention Presented by Zia Freeman, MA, LMHC
Provides an overview of the topic of suicide, signs and symptoms, and how caregivers and professionals should respond in times of crisis. The training will dive into the rates of youth suicide, risk factors, and proactive steps to take for prevention. Will include a discussion on self-harm.
When: Monday, November 30, 2020 3:00 PM – 4:45 PM PST
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Open Webinar: Coping with Holiday Stress Presented by Lindsey Greene
Description: All of us can feel stressed around the holidays. This stress can be amplified by feelings of grief and loss for children and youth in foster care. This training will help participants identify holiday stress that children in foster care feel, create a healthy environment for the holidays, and how to help children and youth cope.
When: Dec 4, 2020 10:00- 11:30 AM Pacific Time
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Open Webinar: Coping with Holiday Stress presented by Heather Perry
Description: All of us can feel stressed around the holidays. This stress can be amplified by feelings of grief and loss for children and youth in foster care. This training will help participants identify holiday stress that children in foster care feel, create a healthy environment for the holidays, and how to help children and youth cope.
When: Dec 9, 2020 02:30-4pm PM Pacific Time
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Open Webinar: Secondary Traumatic Stress and Self Care Presented by Heather Perry
Description: This training will help caregivers and service providers to understand Secondary Traumatic Stress, compassion fatigue and compassion satisfaction. Participants will also be able to recognize warning signs and personal triggers, as well as understand why self-care is important and develop a personal self-care plan.
When: Dec 15, 2020 10:00 AM -11:30 Pacific Time
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Open Webinar: The Impact of Trauma on Childhood Development presented by Lindsey Greene

Description: This training provides information on key areas of childhood development; social, cognitive, and physical development are all explored. The training focuses on how complex trauma effects development in infants and toddlers, school aged children, and adolescents.
When: Dec 16, 2020 02:30- 04:00 PM Pacific Time
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Check the Coordinated Careq website for additional events and webinars:

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