Dear Foster Parents,
As experts in foster care, DCYF is excited to invite you to participate in the Foster Care Negotiated Rule Making (NRM) project. This project is associated with the D.S. Settlement and DCYF is utilizing the NRM approach to amend foster home licensing WAC 110-148
This approach is designed to provide public access to rulemaking, which means foster care representatives will participate throughout the NRM project to ensure WAC amendments represent the caregiver voice.
Ways to Engage
- Stay informed on the project through the Foster Care WAC Amendments website
- Recommend changes to current WAC through the Foster Careemail at: dcyf.fostercarenrm@dcyf. - Provide feedback as negotiated WAC are posted for review on the website beginning July 2024
- Participate in Listening and Learning sessions in March 2024
- Participate as a representative in the hybrid negotiation in October 2024
The FC NRM participants groups will include:
- Caregivers by region
- Child Placing Agencies (CPA) and Tribal CPA
- Youth and parents with live experience
- Youth advocates
- Child Welfare and Licensing Division
- Caregiver Recruitment and Retention
As caregivers, you are an integral part of the mission of DCYF in assuring children grow up safe and healthy, thriving physically, emotionally, and educationally; as such, DCYF would like to thank you all for your dedication to the children you have nurtured and supported.
If you have any questions, email dcyf.fostercarenrm@dcyf.