DCYF updates: Travel Advice, Mileage Forms

DCYF updates: Travel Advice, Mileage Forms

New mileage forms: https://www.dcyf.wa.gov/forms?field_number_value=07-090

Travel Guidance for Foster Parents and Kinship Caregivers:

  • Caregivers are expected to observe the Healthy Washington Roadmap to Recovery activity-based restrictions. Counties will be individually evaluated every three weeks to determine their phase. Caregivers need to be aware of and follow directives related to the current phase and allowable activities for their county and any county they wish to visit.
  • Governor Inslee rescinded the November 2020 Travel Advisory, and he has modified the COVID-19 Travel Advisory to advise Washingtonians and those visiting Washington to comply with the CDC’s current COVID-19 travel advisory guidance. Note that there are different travel recommendations for unvaccinated people. Vaccines are currently not available for anyone under the age of 16.
  • Caregivers are expected to comply with requirements for the use of face coverings, consistent with their vaccination status and that of the children in their care. More information about face coverings is available on the Washington State Coronavirus Response webpage.

read the full email: https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/WADEL/bulletins/2d21759

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