Fostering Success

Fostering Success

During and after the Fostering Success Summit in February 2019, I received emails from many of you saying the sessions on trauma were the most helpful. You also said you wished there was more time to watch the sessions. I heard you and created a 1-Day Mini-Summit on “Parenting Children who Experienced Trauma.”  You can watch for FREE on July 20, 2019.  To register or view of a list of sessions please visit the website: 
There are so many reasons why understanding trauma can be life changing:It helps us understand why certain types of behaviors occurIt changes the conversation from “What is wrong with you?” to “What happened to you?”It helps us select the most appropriate interventions
Over the last six months, I have been learning a lot about developmental trauma. As you know, children and youth who experience foster care often have histories that include various types of trauma. A trauma informed approach to parenting and education can be transformative for them. During the Fostering Success Mini-Summit, you’ll hear how experts are using a trauma informed approach and how it has been helpful in their work with children and families.  Are there books, videos, or other resources about trauma that you find helpful? I’d love to hear about them. Feel free to send them my way!

Thanks again, for supporting children and youth impacted by foster care.  You make a difference!

– Robin Harwick, Ph.D.
Host, Fostering Success Summit

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