Fostering Together/Fostering WA closing foster parent groups on facebook

Fostering Together/Fostering WA closing foster parent groups on facebook

6/27 – update – the groups are no longer going to be deleted. Instead they have been renamed to “Region 3 + 4” etc, and DCYF staff will be added as admins before the Fostering Together/Fostering WA staff depart.

When the department announced on Friday that the contract with Fostering Together was ending on June 30, all Fostering Together Facebook groups followed this with an announcement that these groups would be deleted on June 30th.

As if deleting years of history and networks of thousands of foster parents wasn’t damaging enough to foster parents in WA, over the weekend they began removing people from groups to delete them immediately, precluding even attempts to save existing resources. According to people who had the chance to see some of their announcements, they didn’t have time to continue moderating the groups while they closed down everything else – perhaps they didn’t anticipate such an active reaction to their plans.

Fostering WA has told 1624 reps that their groups will be gone by the end of the week.

In an attempt to mitigate the damage that Fostering Together/Olive Crest are doing to foster parent support networks, the 1624 reps around the state have created regional Facebook groups.

*All regions now have a 1624 FaceBook page*.

Please join our 1624 Foster Parent Representative team pages! Please join in the regions you are licensed out of and/or the regions you have a case out of. Licensed and kinship (licensed or unlicensed) caregivers welcome! We are here to help navigate and resolve issues & concerns with in our regions. Those things we can not resolve on a local or regional level, we elevate to the state wide level. We hold meetings and share current & accurate information as soon as we get it. We also share local resources and supports. With Fostering Together pages being shut down and deleted, we want to make sure to keep everyone connected

Region 1:
Victoria N. H. O’Banion

Region 2:
Kristina Lynn, Gordon Onsager

Region 3:
Jenny Piper

Region 4:
Katie Biron, Liz Wisham

Region 5:
Nathan LaChine

Region 6:
Sarah Bruce, Steph Vombaur

Mike Canfield, Tracy Freckleton

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