FPAWS Mini-Conferences

FPAWS Mini-Conferences

FPAWS Mini-Conferences

2019-The Governor’s Office, Legislature and DCYF are working to support FPAWS in bringing Mini-Conferences all over the State for years to come. Stay tuned and watch for “Save the Date” postings. We will be inviting community parents, childcare facilities and social workers to participate.

In 2005, the FPAWS Board chose to take a role in supplementing foster parent training for foster, adoptive and kinship parents. Training was opened to both State foster homes, kinship providers, adoptive parents and private child placement agencies. Our FPAWS Board Members, typically veteran foster parents, foster/adopt parents/ kinship parents and foster care alumni, had experienced the need for training events that are tailored to meet the many challenges of caregivers.  The volunteer FPAWS Board has since delivered over 70 Mini-Conferences around Washington.

FPAWS has built partnerships with the DCYF, Child Placing Agencies, Fostering Together, Fostering Washington, local mental health agencies, local foster parent leaders, CASA/GAL, local resources, independent trainers, the Ombuds Office, Coordinated Care, Tacoma/Pierce County Crime Stoppers and others, to bring current and future caregivers the opportunity to have a strong, healthy fostering experience. There is a strong need for foster parents to feel valued as an important team member.

We are working to grow these conferences to increasingly celebrate caregivers and hope we see you at one or more of them across this great State of Washington.

FPAWS is registered with the IRS as a 501(C) (3) non-profit EIN- 23-7300163 and with the Washington Secretary of State’s Charities Division #1692

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