FPAWS Survey & Taking in Praise (TIP) and Taking in Concerns (TIC) Sheets

FPAWS Survey & Taking in Praise (TIP) and Taking in Concerns (TIC) Sheets

FPAWS CAREGIVER TIC & TIP Sheets  (See the attacchment below)

To help guide FPAWS in our work with Children’s Administration we need your feedback. This survey was developed by members of our Board to get your feelings and input regarding the support you are receiving. The survey is confidential unless you have an issue that you want FPAWS to intervene in on your behalf. Please print the survey and return to: 

1281 Sylvan Way #3008

Bremerton, WA 98310

or email to

[email protected]

TIC & TIP Sheets



With the leadership of the Foster Parents Association of Washington State (FPAWS),  a tool has been developed to collect data on the concerns foster parents express about their relationships with Children’s Administration (CA). It is called a TIC Sheet – Taking in Concerns. FPAWS has also developed a TIP Sheet – Taking in Praise.


FPAWS and others have wanted a consistent way for foster parents to track concerns and to measure respectful relationships. The goal is to move from anecdotes and stories to measure the concerns that come in through various sources and identify good working relationships. .


The TIC sheet provides a quick way to capture the concerns expressed. The sheet lists major issues, which can be checked off as they come in. The sheets will be used by the individuals or groups below, sent to FPAWS and tallied by region and office each month. The data will also be provided to CA. Because foster parents often will praise a staff member during a conversation to discuss a concern, the TIP sheet will be used to track those comments as well.  


The goal is to have the sheets filled out by those who receive concerns verbally or in writing:

  • Contracted foster parent liaisons
  • Those who staff the FPAWS support line
  • The Office of Children and Family Ombudsman
  • Constituent Relations of Children’s Administration
  • Braam Oversight panel
  • Issues identified by the 1624 representatives
  • Other local association/HUB/ support group leaders



Ø  A centralized way to collect complaints and concerns to replace the scattershot system in place now.

Ø  A system to taken in praise as a way to acknowledge good relationships

Ø  A system that categorizes issues by type to readily see what works well and what problems are most prevalent.

Ø  A system that would track the issues over time so we could spot trends and measure performance.

Ø  A data-driven system to replace the anecdote-driven system for discussing issues so people could spend more time proposing solutions than pointing fingers.

Ø  A system to make sure complaints/issues are “owned” by someone and resolved in a timely and respectful manner.


  • Serve as a punitive tool to be used against social workers or other CA staff
  • Create more work. At most, the sheets should be work neutral since the information is already being collected.

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