Hands-on CPR/First Aid Training Waived

Hands-on CPR/First Aid Training Waived

Update: Keep The Beat:  The state has asked that all Foster Parent in person classes between March 23rd to May 31 be canceled. However, check back often as this can change at any time.

Email from DCYF, March 19

In the midst of COVID-19 and in an effort to minimize the spread of the virus, the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) Licensing Division Leadership made the decision to waive the hands-on component for providers or caregivers who are needing to complete or become re-certified in First Aid/CPR training.

All providers and caregivers needing this training will be allowed to complete an online course. Any online course that providers take during this interim must be nationally certified, such as the American Red Cross, American Heart Association or American Safety and Health Institute:

There will be follow up with providers and caregivers to complete the hands-on component when it is safe to do so.

Foster Care Regulations to be Waived

  • WAC 110-148-1320
  • WAC 110-148-1375
  • WAC 110-148-1455

If you have questions, please contact your local licensing office.

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