Legislation and proposed budgets: should the basic foster rate increase?

Legislation and proposed budgets: should the basic foster rate increase?

FPAWS has been working with Senator Rolfes and Representative Eslick to advocate for an increase in the basic rate of the foster care stipend this year. While the increase did get added to the budget produced by the House of Representatives, it is not in the budget suggested by the Senate (official proposal). The two houses now need to negotiate a compromise budget from both of them before April 23rd.  Both budgets include money to fund new and expanded services for youth with behavioral health and developmental disabilities, per the DS settlement in 2022.


Call your Senators and Representatives, ask that they support the House Budget concerning the foster care basic rate. Tell your House Reps to fight for this and not let it be a eliminated as a compromise. If your Senator doesn’t fight for this increase, ask them why not?


For more information about the possible budgets, and on relevant legislation passed this year:

DCYF’s Chief Financial Officer, Rene Newkirk, and Director of Public Affairs, Allison Krutsinger, are hosting a webinar on Wednesday, April 5, 2023 from 9 to 10 a.m. to provide updates on the 2023 Legislative Session. You will hear updates on the funding included for DCYF in the proposed House and Senate budgets, Agency Request Legislation, and other proposals affecting DCYF. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions.

If you cannot attend the live webinar, slides from the presentation will be available on the DCYF Government Affairs webpage a few days afterward.

DCYF 2023 Mid-Legislative Session Update Webinar

Wednesday, April 5 2023

9 to 10 a.m.

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