More online training options!

More online training options!

Suicide Prevention

Thursday, September 10th 2020 from 6pm-8pm
Provides an overview of the topic of suicide, signs and symptoms, and how
caregivers should respond in times of crisis. The training will review the rates of youth suicide, risk factors, and proactive steps to take for prevention.

Working with Birth Parents

Thursday, October 8th from 6pm-8pm
The relationship between foster parents and birth parents can play a key role in successful reunification. In 2013, 57% of youth in foster care in Washington State were reunified. It is critical that foster parents have the skills to communicate effectively with birth parents. This training will focus on building communication skills and also enhance the participants’ understanding of the impact of trauma on parenting, and the birth parent grief process.

Coping with Holiday Stress

Thursday, November 12th from 6pm-8pm
All of us can feel stressed around the holidays. This stress can be amplified by feelings of grief and loss for children and youth in foster care. This training will help participants identify holiday stress that children in foster care feel, create a healthy environment for the holidays, and how to help children and youth cope.

Secondary Traumatic Stress and Self-Care

Thursday, December 3rd from 6pm-8pm
Caring for children who have experienced trauma can be difficult, draining, exhausting, and frustrating. This training will help caregivers and service providers to understand the differences between Secondary Traumatic Stress, Compassion fatigue and Vicarious trauma. Participants will also be able to recognize warning signs and personal triggers, as well as understand why self-care is important and develop a personal self-care plan.

The above series of webinars is brought to you by the YMCA of Greater Seattle in collaboration with Coordinated Care.

Healthy Sexual Development

Sep. 12, 10am-2pm OR Sep. 25, 12:30pm-4:30pm
Register here
This four hour webinar will provide you with tools and resources about Healthy Sexual Development needed to ensure the children in your care have the necessary information and support to become healthy adults. Upon completion, you will be able to identify what healthy sexual development is by age and stage of development, recognize your own possible discomfort in talking about healthy sexual development with children and youth, and you will be able to integrate healthy sexual development conversations with children and youth into everyday life.

Implicit Bias Training

Sep. 8th at 12pm OR Sep. 15th, at 9am
Register here
Everyone holds implicit biases.  That doesn’t make us “bad people,” it just means that we have work to do.  This one-hour, interactive training will teach you how to understand and begin to undo your own implicit biases.

Understanding and Responding to Running Away Behavior

Sep. 30, 9am-12pm
Register here
The living situations of youth in the custody of child welfare who are commercially sexually exploited (CSE) are characterized by frequent changes, including high rates of detention placements and runaway episodes. This presentation will provide findings from a recent study and will be placed in the context of a multidisciplinary task force that works to identify and intervene with CSE youth in child welfare in order to stabilize youth placements, prevent runaways, reduce the use of detention to securely place youth, and intervene with youth on the run.

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