New online class: physically aggressive youth

New online class: physically aggressive youth

New eLearning option from the Alliance helps caregivers understand causes and management of physically aggressive behaviors

This class provides a foundation for behavior management for children in out-of-home care who struggle with physically aggressive actions. The four-hour training dives deep into all the elements around these challenges, looking at trauma physiology, emotions and de-escalation.
This course is a mandatory training for caregivers who serve Behavior Rehabilitation Services placements and teens who have these types of behaviors. There is a companion eLearning available, “Caregiving for Children With Sexually Aggressive Behavior Concerns.” Since the classroom versions of both these courses are not currently being taught, this online version fills a timely need for many of you.
In this course, you will explore the potential impacts of trauma and maltreatment on attachment, behavior and development as well as the risk factors for violent behavior in children. The lessons will review the Washington Administrative Code (WAC) related to discipline and will contrast principles of positive discipline and punishment. Skill-building elements will focus on creating a plan to prevent a crisis; the various forms aggression may take and how to look for signs of when a child is agitated or escalating; how to intervene during a crisis; and how to manage ongoing or explosive aggressive behaviors via teaching coping skills and collaborative problem solving.
As a caregiver, you also will learn about key ways to care for yourself. Being forgiving of yourself and acknowledging that we are all human is an important part of parenting.
At the end of the course you will understand these behaviors better, know how to manage them, and be able to access resources that will help support you in being a source of strength for the children in your care.

Register to take this online training today!

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