supporting children, youth, and their families on the path to reunification

supporting children, youth, and their families on the path to reunification

The most successful foster caregivers understand their role includes supporting the families of children under their care; however, this can be extremely challenging for both the family and the foster caregivers. A supportive agency culture can have a significant impact.

The new publication, Partnering With Birth Parents to Promote
Reunification< , features advice and insights from birth and foster parents to help dispell some of the myths each may hold about the other.

The goal of foster care is to provide support to families in need and increase the percentage of families working toward reunification. These resources can help professionals and resource families get children, youth, and their families on the path to reunification.

  *   Resources for Parents With Children and Youth in Out-of-Home
  *   Supporting Successful Reunifications
  *   Reunification: Bringing your Children Home From Foster
  *   Reunifying Families
* Partnering with Birth Parents

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