Legal Voice is pleased to announce the release of a fully revised and updated edition of Options for Grandparents and Other Nonparental Caregivers: A Legal Guide for Washington State. This handbook is for grandparents and other non-parent caregivers regarding legal relationships with the children in their care. Written in plain language, it gives basic information on key areas of family law, juvenile justice issues, and public benefits, including:
- Dependency process
- Guardianship
- Nonparental/Third-Party Custody
- Adoption
- Indian Child Welfare Act
- Temporary Parental Consent Agreements
- Child in Need and At-Risk Youth Procedures
The guide also provides links and contact information for legal services, public agencies, and helpful resources. It is available online and in print. (c) 2017
Beginning in May these guides will be available in Kinship Navigator offices and at Area Agencies on Aging who administer the Kinship Caregiver Support Programs for caregivers who need legal information.
Find the guide today on the Legal Voice website:
Thank you to Legal Voice, their staff and volunteers who made this new edition possible.