Resources for coping during coronavirus

Resources for coping during coronavirus

Kaiser Permanente has shared some simple ideas for reducing your own stress and anxiety while sheltering at home.

They also suggested that you take advantage of prescription deliveries to avoid visiting a pharmacy if possible – Kaiser has their own mail-order pharmacy for customers, and other insurance companies do as well, but this is also offered by generic pharmacies like Walgreens and Bartells.

The Coordinated Care team has shared the resources below produced by The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSCN) and CDC to help families as they deal with the added stressors associated with COVID-19.

“We know that the lack of resources, disruptions to income, and access to health care and child care create added stressors for the vulnerable population we serve. Children away from the structure of school and day care who are around caregivers under greater stress are more likely to experience abuse, and behavior problems may increase. Please share these resources.”

Amara has provided a large collection of online resources:

We are all grappling with the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak and the ever-changing nature of the situation we find ourselves in. For our foster parents, we know it may be difficult to talk with children for whom you’re caring to address their potential fears or anxiety about this crisis. As well, navigating the days and weeks ahead with school closures across the Puget Sound brings its own set of challenges. Amara is here to support you as you support the children in your home and will continue to do all we can to champion the wellbeing of our children and families.


The fact sheet, Coping With Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks provides some wonderful guidance on recognizing the signs of stress in yourself and how to relieve that stress and get help, when you need to.

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