“Sexual Health and Foster Care”

“Sexual Health and Foster Care”

Our youth are asking us to do a better job of connecting children in the system to sexual health education. Many youth age out of the system without ever having had accurate education about their sexual health. Log in to learn how you can help.

“Sexual Health and Foster Care” examines reproductive and sexual health in relationship to the foster care system. Foster youth often have higher rates of risky sexual behavior, higher rates of negative sexual outcomes, higher rates of sexual exploitation, and become sexually active earlier than their peers. This training will help participants better understand the sexual health needs of foster youth and how they can help meet these needs.

Please register for Sexual Health in Foster Care: Skill Building for Caregivers on Wednesday, July 31, 2019 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM PDT at:

                After registering you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the training.

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