Short update on COVID vaccines from DCYF

Short update on COVID vaccines from DCYF

Bulletin from DCYF:

With the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine currently happening across the state based on guidance set by the Department of Health, we are taking appropriate steps to ensure our critical staff have access to the vaccine, keeping everyone safe.

During Phase 1A, the vaccine is available for:

– High-risk workers in health care settings.
– High-risk responders.
– Long-term care facility residents.
– All other workers at risk in health care settings.

Health care workers at our juvenile rehabilitation facilities across the state fall under this category and have already scheduled or received their first vaccine dose.

We know we also have caregivers, providers, and DCYF field staff who have direct contact with clients and we want to assure you we have been advocating for these groups when determining vaccine needs. We expect they will have access to the vaccine in the coming months during Tier B of the vaccine distribution. We will provide you with regular communication throughout these phases.

See the explanation of phases by DOH at

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