Strolling Thunder: connecting babies to Congress

Strolling Thunder: connecting babies to Congress

from Zero to Three:

Do you know a family who wants to turn their Members of Congress into champions for babies? Then we need your help! 

As Congress makes decisions about how to promote our country’s recovery, they have an opportunity to invest in the foundation that will make the biggest difference to our future: babies. That’s why ZERO TO THREE is again connecting babies and families to Congress through Strolling Thunder™, an event to bring national attention to what babies – and families – need to thrive.

This year, ZERO TO THREE will host a virtual Strolling Thunder on May 18, 2021. We will connect a parent/guardian and a baby or toddler (under the age of 3) from every state and DC with their Members of Congress for a virtual conversation about the experience of raising young children and what famlies need to support their baby’s healthy development. For more information and the interest form, go to

No prior experience necessary! We are looking for families who see themselves as advocates – whether that means speaking up for their child’s needs or contacting an elected official about an issue important to their family. ZERO TO THREE will provide selected families with training and support for their virtual meetings with their Members of Congress. Interest forms are due on March 5.

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