The Insider: A Membership Newsletter from the NFPA

The Insider: A Membership Newsletter from the NFPA

A new monthly newsletter shared on behalf of our national association – sign up at to receive this directly by email

You Asked: Can you give us more information about the NFPA and its operation and activities?
We Respond:  The Insider, a new monthly publication exclusively for NFPA members.  This newsletter will feature diverse areas of importance to our operations, members, and activities. 

Coffee with Irene:  An Update from the ED of the NFPA
In the last 60 days I have been most active with community outreach and collaborations.  With news of the latest COVID-19 pandemic many conversations and interviews have occurred on the virus’ effect on… Read more

Committee Spotlight: Public Policy Committee

To be pro-active in our role as advocates for foster, adoptive, and kinship caregivers.

The NFPA Public Policy Committee informs the NFPA Board of Directors and the Chair of the Council of State Affiliates of current national and state legation and policies having a positive or negative impact on the families we serve and the children and youth in their care.  This effort is enhanced by joining efforts with other national organizations that support the the mission of the NFPA. In our efforts to follow existing and new legislation and policies that effect families we are reaching out and seeking information on how states are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.  This includes foster and kinship care services and support, recruitment and retention efforts, status of the increase or decrease in families accepting additional children into their families, foster parent training, licensing, and other related matters. 

Chair: Mike Peterson, Florida

Members: Brian Donahue, CT, Sue Dondiego, FL, Arnie Ebby, MD, Eileen Pasztor, CA, Thomas Rector, CA

Message from Karen Poteet, President of the NFPA

Welcome to the first edition of The Insider! The NFPA Board of Directors have been working toward an informative monthly publication to acquaint our members with the ongoing efforts of the NFPA.  Our goal is to bring you current information on our efforts regularly. 

As a national organization we are aware that just a few months ago, we were all going about our everyday lives with no idea of how quickly and drastically our lives and those around us would change.  We now have an invisible threat among our nation, COVID-19.  This virus is affecting our lives and those entrusted to our care.Now, more than ever, it is essential to keep the lines of communication with our members open to better understand and assist in your needs.  I assure you that you board of directors and the NFPA staff are committed to establish clean communication, quality information, and valuable resources as we continue to be a respected national voice for foster, kinship, and adoptive families through networking, education, and advocacy.I welcome you to visit the NFPA website at and watch for upcoming publications of The Insider for further information, support, and resources. Keep inspiring and stay healthy,

Karen Poteet, President, National Foster Parent Association 

Did You Know? The NFPA Board is comprised of 12 volunteer members representing 9 states.

Dates to Remember:

  • May is National Foster Care Month
  • May 10th is Mother’s Day: The NFPA applauds all those nurturing individuals that care for children. 

WATCH // What To Do With Those Kids: With Professional Parents Irene Clements and Arnie Eby, Hosted by Rhonda Sciortino
Irene Clements has parented countless children over her 51 years as a foster and adoptive parent. She knows a thing or two because she’s seen a thing or two! There isn’t much that shocks Irene. She and her fellow National Foster Parent Association member, Arnie Eby, a 25-year foster parent, share their suggestions for how to make the best of our time at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, and for every other stressful time we’ll ever encounter.

We want to hear from you…

Responses may appear in a future edition of The Insider.

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