Week 9 of the Legislative Session

Week 9 of the Legislative Session

Legislative Session Week 9 
This week, March 13th was the cutoff for bills to leave their house of origin.
The marketing campaign kicked off this week. Our first story started running this morning, but is also posted online. This will air in multiple locations across the state. Here is the ad if you are interested.  https://www.kuow.org/stories/hotel-stays-out-of-state-placements-put-pressure-on-lawmakers-to-increase-foster-care-funding We are also working on a story with the Seattle times, will update you when that runs. Do you not forget to direct people to our webpage: https://action.wachildrenandfamilies.org/. In the first week we had 525 connections to legislators. The legislators that got the most letters were primarily not from WACF member’s districts, please remember to direct staff to the action site. We could use more advocacy from providers in the districts that Senator Lovelett and Senator Darnielle serve, we have several agencies in those two districts. If you don’t know if these senators serve your area, please let me know. This data is only based on letters sent from the action site so they could have gotten contacted from other sources. I will provide data from the campaign weekly. If you are on Facebook or other types of social media, a good idea is to post the story above and/or our website on your or your businesses social media accounts, the more visibility the better.   Advocacy in Olympia is still happening, we are currently meeting or setting appointments with all of your local legislators. We will keep you posted as we learn more about the media campaign and our success in Olympia.  
The bill (CPA rate study and contract review) died, but is now being carried as a proviso, we have sponsors in both houses. We also have Rep Sullivan doing a proviso of $1.5 million (biennium) for an incremental rate increase. Please email both Rep. Sullivan and Senator Van De Wege thanking them for their support. Please also email your local legislators asking them to support these two provisos. No new information related to the CPA agenda. 
 CPI (Certificate of Parental Improvement)
Bill (HB 1645 and SB 5533) – Due to legislators concerns this bill will not be proceeding. If it does it will be very stripped allowing only people with a founded to provide services to seniors. This leaves us with much work to do between now and the beginning of session in 2020. Thank you to everyone’s hard work on this. If you have specific questions regarding this please reach out to me or Charlotte.  Contact Your Legislators IT REMAINS CRUCIAL FOR AGENCIES TO REACH OUT TO YOUR LOCAL LEGISLATORS REGARDING OUR 3 LEGISLATIVE PRIORITIES. If you need any help please feel free to contact me and remember we need everyone to participate. Get your board, staff, youth, community members to send letters or emails. The more letters legislators receive the more attention we will get. Don’t forget you can find all of our legislative materials and bill updates here: Advocacy Page  
Jill May MSW|Executive Director
Pronouns: she, her, hers
Cell (505) 660-0450Land line (425) 292-0617
WACF | 6830 NE Bothell Way, Suite C, #233, Kenmore, WA 98028Unsubscribe [email protected]Update Profile | About our service providerSent by [email protected] in collaboration withTry it free today

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