“You may be an FPAWSer”

“You may be an FPAWSer”

(play now and send us a video-selfie, sending from your phone tips below)

The “I am FPAWSer” Project is a simple way to show that FPAWS is more than a small group of characters, but indeed anyone that has been supported by FPAWS or supports the FPAWS mission to:

Promote self-efficacy of caregivers, children, and their families. 

If you have attended one of our trainings, called us at 800 391-CARE, emailed for support, asked for help, contributed to Facebook conversations, or just appreciate the over $300 a month increase in the basic reimbursement rate FPAWS has fought for since 2015. Our team is working on the behalf of caregivers, children and their families, and you may be an FPAWSer.

To participate in the project, record a short video with your phone and send it to [email protected].   We will string these clips together for promotional opportunities and show the strength within the FPAWS community. 

Tips using an android phone https://www.pcworld.com/article/3562372/how-to-share-large-video-files-on-android.html

Tips using an iPhone phone: https://www.cnet.com/how-to/the-easiest-way-to-share-iphone-photos-and-videos/

  • You do not need to be a foster parent to participate!
  • Your clip may be edited.
  • By sending your clip to FPAWS you understand we will use it to promote FPAWS.

Possible text for your clip:

  • “I am (your name) I am a foster parent, and I am an FPAWSer”. 
  • “I am (your name) I am a birth parent, and I am an FPAWSer”.
  • “I am (your name) I am an adoptive parent, and I am an FPAWSer”.
  • “I am (your name) I am a sponsor, and I am an FPAWSer”.
  • “I am (your name) I am a/an_______________, and I am an FPAWSer”.

The knowledge within the fostering community can not be understated. A caregiver’s lived experience will result in powerful stories that can heal and/or hurt foster care. Recruitment, retention,  and the world’s overall story of foster care to a great extent come from those that have been there as a child, family member, or foster parent. The stories from community members associated with foster care can be equally powerful. 

In the State of Washington, and indeed, around the United States with the NFPA, FPAWS has participated in what is possible for foster care when caregivers organize. It is the belief of FPAWS that caregivers can drive the needed growth in the foster care system. FPAWS is our house to build and maintain. It is a house that stands tall in our community and all are welcome!

Self-efficacy is FPAWS working to help people believe in his or her capacity to execute behaviors necessary to produce specific performance attainments (Bandura, 1977, 1986, 1997). Self-efficacy reflects confidence in the ability to exert control over one’s own motivation, behavior, and social environment.

To play send your clip to [email protected]

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